variable "token" { description = "Your Linode API Personal Access Token. (required)" } variable "k8s_version" { description = "The Kubernetes version to use for this cluster. (required)" default = "1.17" } variable "label" { description = "The unique label to assign to this cluster. (required)" default = "default-lke-cluster" } variable "region" { description = "The region where your cluster will be located. (required)" default = "us-east" } variable "tags" { description = "Tags to apply to your cluster for organizational purposes. (optional)" type = list(string) default = ["testing"] } variable "pools" { description = "The Node Pool specifications for the Kubernetes cluster. (required)" type = list(object({ type = string count = number })) default = [ { type = "g6-standard-4" count = 3 }, ] }