#!/bin/bash # Replace with your own values region="us-east-1" date_cutoff="2022-01-01" # Get a list of all the AMIs in the account all_amis=$(aws ec2 describe-images --region $region --owners self) # Loop through the list and print the names and IDs of any AMIs that were created before the cutoff date amis_to_delete="" while read -r line; do ami_id=$(echo $line | jq -r '.ImageId') name=$(echo $line | jq -r '.Name') creation_date=$(echo $line | jq -r '.CreationDate') if [[ "$creation_date" < "$date_cutoff" ]]; then echo "AMI $ami_id ($name) was created before the cutoff date." amis_to_delete="$amis_to_delete $ami_id" fi done <<< "$all_amis" # Ask the user for verification before deleting the AMIs if [[ -z "$amis_to_delete" ]]; then echo "No AMIs to delete." else read -p "Are you sure you want to delete $(echo $amis_to_delete | wc -w) AMIs? (y/n): " confirmation if [[ "$confirmation" == "y" ]]; then read -p "Do you also want to delete the associated snapshots? (y/n): " delete_snapshots # Loop through the list of AMIs to delete and delete the associated snapshots if specified for ami_id in $amis_to_delete; do echo "Deleting AMI $ami_id" snapshot_ids=$(aws ec2 describe-images --image-ids $ami_id --region $region | jq -r '.Images[0].BlockDeviceMappings[].Ebs.SnapshotId') aws ec2 deregister-image --image-id $ami_id --region $region if [[ "$delete_snapshots" == "y" ]]; then for snapshot_id in $snapshot_ids; do echo "Deleting snapshot $snapshot_id" aws ec2 delete-snapshot --snapshot-id $snapshot_id --region $region done else echo "Skipping deletion of $(echo $snapshot_ids | wc -w) associated snapshots." fi done else echo "Aborting deletion of AMIs." fi fi